clouds, containers, functions, applications,  and their management

Girish Ranganathan

Principal Architect,


Show of Hands


The more, the merrier?


First few services are relatively easy



Democratization of language and technology choice


Faster delivery, service teams running independently, rolling updates


Next 10 or so may introduce pain



Language and framework-specific libraries



Distributed environments, ephemeral infrastructure, out-moded tooling

Why use a Service Mesh?

to avoid...

  • Bloated service code

  • Duplicating work to make services production-ready

    • Load balancing, auto scaling, rate limiting, traffic routing...

  • Inconsistency across services

    • Retry, tls, failover, deadlines, cancellation, etc., for each language, framework

    • Siloed implementations lead to fragmented, non-uniform policy application and difficult debugging

  • Diffusing responsibility of service management

Which is why...

 I have a container orchestrator.



  • Cluster Management

    • Host Discovery

    • Host Health Monitoring

  • Scheduling

  • Orchestrator Updates and Host Maintenance

  • Service Discovery

  • Networking and Load Balancing

  • Stateful Services

  • Multi-Tenant, Multi-Region


Key Capabilities

  • Application Health and Performance Monitoring

  • Application Deployments

  • Application Secrets

minimal capabilities required to qualify as a container orchestrator

Istio relies on these capabilities.

Which is why...

 I have an API gateway.

Microservices API Gateways

What do we need?

• Observability

• Logging
• Metrics
• Tracing

• Traffic Control

• Resiliency

• Efficiency
• Security

• Policy

a Service Mesh

What is a Service Mesh?

a dedicated layer for managing service-to-service communication

So, a microservices platform?


Orchestrators don't bring all that you need

and neither do service meshes,

but they do get you closer.

Missing: application lifecycle management, but not by much


a services-first network

Missing: distributed debugging; provide nascent visibility (topology)



Layer 5

where Dev and Ops meet

Problem: too much infrastructure code in services

Workshop Materials

1) Join Layer5 Slack account.

2) Use as your name server.

Lab 1- Deploying Kubernetes

  • Open PWK

  • Deploy master node

    • use external DNS

    • save your `kubeadm join` command output

  • Install overlay networking

  • Add two more nodes to the cluster

What is Istio?

an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices

  • Observability

  • Resiliency

  • Traffic Control

  • Security

  • Policy Enforcement



what gets people hooked on service metrics


  • Metrics without instrumenting apps

  • Consistent metrics across fleet

  • Trace flow of requests across services

  • Portable across metric back-end providers

You get a metric!  You get a metric!  Everyone gets a metric!

© 2018 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

Traffic Control

control over chaos

  • Traffic splitting
    • L7 tag based routing?
  • Traffic steering
    • Look at the contents of a request and route it to a specific set of instances.
  • Ingress and egress routing



  • Systematic fault injection
  • Timeouts and Retries with timeout budget

  • Circuit breakers and Health checks

  • Control connection pool size and request load


content-based traffic steering

Istio Architecture

Istio Architecture

Control Plane

Data Plane

  • Touches every packet/request in the system.
  • Responsible for service discovery, health checking, routing, load balancing, authentication, authorization, and observability.
  • Provides policy and configuration for services in the mesh.
  • Takes a set of isolated stateless sidecar proxies and turns them into a service mesh.
  • Does not touch any packets/requests in the system.




Control Plane

Data Plane

istio-system namespace

policy check

Foo Pod

Proxy Sidecar

Service Foo

tls certs

discovery & config

Foo Container

Bar Pod

Proxy Sidecar

Service Bar

Bar Container

Out-of-band telemetry propagation




Control flow during request processing

application traffic

Application traffic

application namespace

telemetry reports

Istio Architecture

Service Proxy Sidecar

- A C++ based L4/L7 proxy

- Low memory footprint

- In production at Lyftâ„¢


  • API driven config updates → no reloads
  • Zone-aware load balancing w/ failover
  • Traffic routing and splitting
  • Health checks, circuit breakers, timeouts, retry budgets, fault injection…
  • HTTP/2 & gRPC
  • Transparent proxying
  • Designed for observability


the included battery

Data Plane


Proxy sidecar

App Container

What's Pilot for?

provides service discovery to sidecars

manages sidecar configuration



Control Plane

the head of the ship


istio-system namespace

system of record for service mesh


provides abstraction from underlying platforms

What's Mixer for?

  • Point of integration with infrastructure back ends
    • Intermediates between Istio and back ends, under operator control
    • Enables platform and environment mobility
  • Responsible for policy evaluation and telemetry reporting
    • Provides granular control over operational policies and telemetry
  • Has a rich configuration model
    • Intent-based config abstracts most infrastructure concerns




Control Plane

istio-system namespace

an attribute-processing and routing machine


  1. Precondition checking
  2. Quota management
  3. Telemetry reporting



Control Plane

Data Plane

istio-system namespace

Foo Pod

Proxy Sidecar

Service Foo

Foo Container

Out-of-band telemetry propagation

Control flow during request processing

application traffic

Application traffic

application namespace

telemetry reports

an attribute processing engine


What's Citadel for?

  • Verifiable identity
    • Issues certs
    • Certs distributed to service proxies
    • Mounted as a Kubernetes   secret
  • Secure naming / addressing
  • Traffic encryption



Control Plane

security at scale


istio-system namespace

security by default

Orchestrate Key & Certificate:

  • Generation
  • Deployment
  • Rotation
  • Revocation



Lab 2 - Deploying Istio

  1. Installing Istio
  2. Setting up `istioctl`

  3. Verify install
  4. Configuring add-ons

Lab 2.2 - Configuring Mixer Add-ons and Adapters

Istio Adapter for SolarWinds

Open Source Adapters and Add-ons


Lab 3 - Deploying Sample App

  1. Multi-language, multi-service application
  2. Manual sidecar injection

  3. Verify install

Lab 3 - BookInfo Sample App

Reviews v1

Reviews Pod

Reviews v2

Reviews v3

Product Pod

Details Container

Details Pod

Ratings Container

Ratings Pod

Product Container

Reviews Service

Lab 3 - BookInfo Sample App

Reviews v1

Reviews Pod

Reviews v2

Reviews v3

Product Pod

Details Container

Details Pod

Ratings Container

Ratings Pod

Product Container

Nginx sidecar

Nginx sidecar

Nginx sidecar

Nginx sidecar

Nginx sidecar

Reviews Service

Nginx sidecar

Envoy ingress

Lab 4 - Expose BookInfo via Istio Ingress Gateway

  1. Inspecting the Istio Ingress Gateway
  2. Configure Istio Ingress Gateway for Bookinfo
  3. Inspect the Istio proxy of the productpage pod

Envoy ingress


visit  for more

service mesh playground

Now Available

compliments of NGINX

Lee Calcote

Thank you. Questions?

clouds, containers, functions,

and their management

Girish Ranganathan

distributed systems, golang, operating at-scale,

Lab 5 - Telemetry

  1. Generate Load on Bookinfo
  2. View in monitoring tools




Control Plane

istio-system namespace


  • Uses pluggable adapters to extend its functionality
    • Adapters run within the Mixer process
  • Adapters are modules that interface to infrastructure backends
    • (logging, metrics, quotas, etc.)
  • Multi-interface adapters are possible
    • (e.g., SolarWinds® adapter sends logs and metrics)

Mixer Adapters

types: logs, metrics, access control, quota




Open Policy Agent







Control Plane

Data Plane

istio-system namespace

Foo Pod

Proxy sidecar

Service Foo

Foo Container

Out-of-band telemetry propagation

Control flow during request processing

application traffic

application traffic

application namespace

telemetry reports

an attribute processing engine

Lab 6 - Distributed Tracing

  1. View Traces

Lab 7 - Request Routing and Canary Testing

  1. Configure the default route for all services to V1
  2. Content based routing
  3. Canary Testing - Traffic Shifting

Timeouts & Retries


Service Foo

Timeout = 600ms
Retries = 3

Timeout = 300ms
Retries = 3

Timeout = 900ms
Retries = 3

Service Bar


Timeout = 500ms
Retries = 3

Timeout = 300ms
Retries = 3

Timeout = 900ms
Retries = 3



Service Foo

Deadline = 600ms

Deadline = 496ms

Service Bar


Deadline = 428ms





Lab 8 - Fault Injection and Rate-Limiting

  1. Inject a route rule to create a fault using HTTP delay
  2. Inject a route rule to create a fault using HTTP abort
  3. Verify fault injection

Lab 9 - Mutual TLS & Identity Verification

  1. Verify mTLS
  2. Understanding SPIFFE

Lab 10 - Circuit Breakig

  1. Deploy a client for the app
    1. With manual sidecar injection:
  2. Initial test calls from client to server
  3. Time to trip the circuit