CNCF & State of Serverless

Lee Calcote & Girish Ranganathan

Innovate Summit 2017

Lee Calcote

Girish Ranganathan

Innovate Summit 2017



Innovate Summit 2017

What is the CNCF?

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Foster growth and evolution of ecosystem
  • Promote underlying technologies
  • Provide stewardship for projects
  • Make technologies accessible and reliable

CNCF Members

Innovate Summit 2017

Innovate Summit 2017

CNCF Projects

Innovate Summit 2017

CNCF Landscape

CNCF Working Groups

Innovate Summit 2017

Solarwinds Participation

Innovate Summit 2017

Serverless WG

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Formed in June 2017 at the request of CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)
  • Asked for state of tech/community & recommendations for possible involvement
  • Most key Serverless players involved
  • IBM, VMWare, Google, Red Hat, Huawei, Microsoft, SolarWinds , Docker, iguazio, Amazon, MasterCard, Pivotal, Serverless Inc., Clay Labs, The New Stack, A Cloud Guru, Platform9, Bitnami, Auth0, and Hyper 


Serverless WG

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Describes & defined Serverless
  • Highlights promising use cases and areas where they’ve already proven value
  • Differentiates Serverless from PaaS and Container Orchestration
  • Describes the mechanics of a generic Serverless system
  • Identifies potential future "harmonization" the WG could look at 

Serverless WG:

White Paper

Innovate Summit 2017

Creating a common model for event data, similar to CNI and CSI. Coalescing on a single format between a few proposals:

  • Cloud-Native Event Mapping (CNEM) – (iguazio)

  • OpenEvents – (Serverless, Inc.)

  • Cloud Auditing Data Federation – (IBM, DMTF)

Serverless WG: Event Specification

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Maintain a matrix and landscape of serverless implementations and features.
  • Produce additional documents and samples that educate users on serverless apps.
  • Document integration with other CNCF projects, such as how to monitor and observe.
  • Potential collaboration on a declarative packaging format specification.

Serverless WG:

Other Areas of focus

Innovate Summit 2017

Functions as a Service


Enterprise DataCenter









Multi/Hybrid Cloud


Atomic Unit of Compute


Software Architecture

Transitional phases to Serverless

But why?

Increasing focus on business logic

Decreasing concern (and control) over infrastructure implementation

Bare metal

Innovate Summit 2017




  • Faster start-up times
  • Better resource utilization
  • Finer-grained management
  • Splitting up the monolith






The Promised Land

Innovate Summit 2017

No compute cost when idle.

Flexible and precise scaling.

No provisioning, updating, and managing server infrastructure.

When to use...

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Asynchronous, concurrent, easy to parallelize into independent units of work
  • Infrequent or has sporadic demand, with large, unpredictable variance in scaling requirements
  • Stateless, ephemeral, without a major need for instantaneous cold start time
  • Highly dynamic in terms of changing business requirements that drive a need for accelerated developer velocity

consider serverless when your workload is:

IoT & Stream Analysis
Common Use Cases

Innovate Summit 2017


Example workloads

Innovate Summit 2017

  • Executing logic in response to database changes (insert, update, trigger, delete)
  • Performing analytics on IoT sensor input messages (such as MQTT messages)
  • Handling stream processing (analyzing or modifying data in motion)
  • Managing single time extract, transform, and load jobs that require a lot of processing for a short time ( ETL jobs)
  • Providing cognitive computing via a chat bot interface (asynchronous, but correlated)

  • Scheduling tasks performed for a short time, such as cron or batch style invocations

  • Serving machine learning and AI models (retrieving one or more data elements such as tables, NLP, or images and matching against a pre-learned data model to identify text, faces, anomalies, etc.)

  • Continuous integration pipelines that provision resources for build jobs on-demand, instead of keeping a pool of build slave hosts waiting for jobs to be dispatched

some of these include:

Surveillance - Common Use Cases

Innovate Summit 2017





Innovate Summit 2017

Serverless = No Ops?

Innovate Summit 2017

  1. Developer : writes code for, and benefits from, the serverless platform which provides them the point of view that there are no servers nor that their code is always running.

  2. Provider : deploys the serverless platform for an external or internal customer.

Primary Personas


Servers are still required to run a serverless platform.

The provider will need to manage servers.

And will have some cost for running the platform, even when idle.


A self-hosted system can still be considered serverless:

typically one team acts as the provider and another as the developer.

FaaS Landscape

Innovate Summit 2017


  • Serverless for Real-Time Events and Data Processing
  • Comprehensive, Open, Portable and Super Fast “Serverless” by Iguazio
  • Packaging
    • Used as a standalone binary (for example, for IoT devices),
    • Docker container
  • Runs on
    • Rasperberry Pi
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • GCE

Innovate Summit 2017

What is Nuclio


Innovate Summit 2017

Function Processor

Innovate Summit 2017

Event Sources

Innovate Summit 2017

Innovate Summit 2017

Lets do it. . .

Thank you. Questions?

yes, we're hiring

Innovate Summit 2017

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Innovate Summit 2017